Bubble 2016.08.16

feature: storage_types_json_archive

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feature: storage_types_json_archive

Feature content

# file:features/storage_types_json_archive.feature
Feature: Bubble storage types json archive 
Scenario: load mysrclient.py pull and store should also archive
  Given a file named ".bubble" with:
    And a file named "./config/config.yaml" with:
                    STORAGE_TYPE: json
                    SOURCE:    #pull
                        CLIENT: ./mysrcclient.py
    And a directory named "./remember/archive"
    And a file named "./mysrcclient.py" with:
            from bubble import Bubble
            class BubbleClient(Bubble):
                def __init__(self,cfg={}):
                def pull(self, amount=100, index=0):
                    self.say('BC: %d,%d'%(amount,index))
                    for i in range(amount):
                        self.say('BC:yielding:%d %d'%(amount,index),stuff=it,verbosity=100)
                        yield it
    And a file named "./count_lines.sh" with:
            set -x
            echo "$1:line_count:`find remember/archive/| grep $1 |wc -l`"
    When I run "bubble pull --amount 10"
    When I run "bubble pull --amount 10"
    When I run "bubble pull --amount 10"
    When I run "bubble pull --amount 10"
    When I run "bubble pull --amount 10"
    Then the command output should contain "pulled [10] objects"
    Then the command output should contain "remember/pulled_DEV.json"
    And the command returncode is "0"
    When I run "bubble export -r pulled -kvp -f tab -c keyA,keyB,keyC.1,keyC.2,keyC.3.keyDinList"
    Then the command returncode is "0"
    And the command output should contain
      0         |A_0 |B_0 |c     |66    |D_0              
      1         |A_1 |B_1 |c     |66    |D_1              
      2         |A_2 |B_2 |c     |66    |D_2              
      3         |A_3 |B_3 |c     |66    |D_3              
      4         |A_4 |B_4 |c     |66    |D_4              
      5         |A_5 |B_5 |c     |66    |D_5              
      6         |A_6 |B_6 |c     |66    |D_6              
      7         |A_7 |B_7 |c     |66    |D_7              
      8         |A_8 |B_8 |c     |66    |D_8              
      9         |A_9 |B_9 |c     |66    |D_9
    When I run "sh count_lines.sh pulled_DEV.json"
    Then the command output should contain
    When I run "sh count_lines.sh stats_DEV.json"
    Then the command output should contain

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