Bubble 2016.08.16

feature: push

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feature: push

Feature content

# file:features/push.feature
Feature: Bubble pull,transform,push
Scenario: Given a target service in configuration
    Given a new working directory
    When I run "bubble init"
    When I run "bubble pull"
    When I run "bubble transform"
    When I run "bubble push"
    Then the command output should contain "Pushing"
    Then the command output should contain "saved result in ["
    And the command returncode is "0"

Scenario: Given a target service in configuration only DEV stage
    Given a new working directory
    When I run "bubble init"
    When I run "bubble pull"
    When I run "bubble transform"
    When I run "bubble push -s PROD"
    Then the command output should contain "There is no STAGE in CFG:PROD"
    And the command returncode is "1"

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