Bubble 2016.08.16



Source code for bubble.transformer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of bubble. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
''' the bubble transformer takes a dictionary and applies transforming rules(with functions)
and returns the resulting dictionary.
from . import Bubble
from .rules import Rules
from .util.value_path import ValuePath
from .util.flat_dict import unflat, get_flat_path



[docs]class Transformer(Bubble): name = None _rules = [] _store = None _value_path = None def __init__(self, rules=None, rule_type='bubble', store={}, config={}, bubble_path=None, verbose=1): Bubble.__init__(self, name='Transformer', verbose=verbose) self.say('before loading rules', verbosity=10) self.home = bubble_path self._rules = Rules(rules=rules, rule_type=rule_type, verbose=verbose, home=bubble_path) self._rules.set_parent(self) self.say('after loading rules:has rules:' + str(self._rules.has_rules()), verbosity=10) self._stored_dict = store self._config_dict = config self._bubble_path = bubble_path self._value_path = ValuePath()
[docs] def transform(self, indict): # self.say('rules_can_be_executed',self.rules_can_be_executed()) self.say('transform:enter:indict', stuff=indict, verbosity=20) if not self._rules.has_rules(): return indict # no rules return 'null' transformation outdict = {} tempdict = {} # BTS: bubble transformer source indict['__BTS_NAME'] = 'IN' outdict['__BTS_NAME'] = 'OUT' tempdict['__BTS_NAME'] = 'INTERNAL' self.say('getting store', verbosity=20) storeddict = self._stored_dict storeddict['__BTS_NAME'] = 'PERSISTANT' cfgdict = self._config_dict cfgdict['__BTS_NAME'] = 'CONFIGURATION' for r in self._rules.get_rules(): self.say('current rule: ' + str(r), verbosity=10) source_key = r.input if len(source_key) == 0: # say? print 'cannot do magic, need input' continue target_key = r.output if len(target_key) == 0: # say ? print 'cannot do magic, need output' continue conds_keys = source_key.split(':') if len(conds_keys) == 2: conds_str = conds_keys[0] conds = conds_str.split(',') keys_str = conds_keys[1] keys = keys_str.split(',') else: conds = [] keys_str = conds_keys[0] keys = keys_str.split(',') self.say('keys:' + str(keys), verbosity=10) if len(conds) >= 1: cond_ak = self.create_ak( conds, indict, tempdict, outdict, storeddict, cfgdict) if not self.all_conds(cond_ak['a']): self.say('conds:' + str(conds) + ' ak:' + str(cond_ak) + ' skip rule execution, not all conditions met', verbosity=10) continue src_ak = self.create_ak( keys, indict, tempdict, outdict, storeddict, cfgdict) # run the fun on the rule res = r.run(*src_ak['a']) # expanded argument list # res = r.run(**src_ak['k']) # keyword arguments self.say('rule run res:' + str(res), verbosity=10) if target_key == '!SKIP' and res is True: self.say('skipping', verbosity=10) return 'BUBBLE_SKIPPING' if target_key.startswith('.'): self.say('temping:' + target_key, verbosity=10) tempdict = self.set_key_path(tempdict, target_key[1:], res) elif target_key.startswith(';'): self.say('persisting:' + target_key, verbosity=10) storeddict = self.set_key_path(storeddict, target_key[1:], res) self.storeddict = storeddict else: outdict = self.set_key_path(outdict, target_key, res) self.say('transform:memory', stuff={'in': indict, 'temp': tempdict, 'out': outdict}, verbosity=99) self.say('transform:memory persistant', stuff={'persistant': storeddict}, verbosity=999) self.say('transform:exit:tempict:discarding', verbosity=10) self.say('transform:exit:keep persistent', verbosity=10) self._stored_dict = storeddict self.say('transform:exit:outdict', outdict, verbosity=10) del(outdict['__BTS_NAME']) return outdict
[docs] def create_ak(self, keys, indict, tempdict, outdict, storeddict, cfgdict): src_ak = {'a': [], 'k': {}} for k in keys: k = k.strip() self.say('current key:' + k, verbosity=10) # when quoted, key is value # todo: quoting magic quote = "'" if k.startswith(quote) and k.endswith(quote): src_ak['a'].append(k[1:-1]) continue quote = '"' if k.startswith(quote) and k.endswith(quote): src_ak['a'].append(k[1:-1]) continue if k.startswith('.'): v = self.key_path(tempdict, k[1:]) elif k.startswith(';'): v = self.key_path(storeddict, k[1:]) elif k.startswith(':'): v = self.key_path(outdict, k[1:]) elif k.startswith('~'): v = self.key_path(cfgdict, k[1:]) else: v = self.key_path(indict, k) src_ak['a'].append(v) # we have never use the keywords yet, removing src_ak['k'][k] = v self.say( 'create_ak:found >>> ' + str(keys) + ' >>> as value array or dict ', verbosity=10) return src_ak
[docs] def key_path(self, data, path): if path.endswith('**'): flat_data = get_flat_path(self, data, path[:-1]) # return self._value_path.get_path(data, path[:-3]) fat_data = unflat(self, flat_data) return fat_data # return flat_data return get_flat_path(self, data, path)
[docs] def key_path_exists(self, data, path): # return self._value_path.get_path(data, path) res = get_flat_path(self, data, path, 'NOT_EXISTING') if isinstance(res, str) and res == 'NOT_EXISTING': return '' else: return res
[docs] def set_key_path(self, data, path, value): return self._value_path.set_path(data, path, value)
[docs] def all_conds(self, conditions): trues = [i for i in conditions if i] return len(trues) == len(conditions)
[docs] def get_store(self): return self._stored_dict
if __name__ == '__main__': from pprint import pprint as pp import re inp = {'hello': 'world', 'goodbye': 'universe', 'apple': 'i like to eat a juicy apple!'} # rules with names of functions: functions must be present or loadable # from current bubble rules = [] rules.append({'input': 'hello', 'fun': 'len', 'output': 'hello_len'}) # rules.append({'input': 'hello','fun':'str.capitalize','output':'HelloCapitalized'}) rules.append({'input': 'hello', 'fun': 'rcap', 'output': 'hello_reversed_capitalized'}) rules.append({'input': 'apple', 'fun': 'peachify', 'output': 'peach'}) from .functions import register def rcap(s): return ''.join([c for c in reversed(s.lower())]).capitalize() def peachify(s): return re.sub('apple', 'peach', s) register(len, 'len') register(str.capitalize, 'str.capitalize') register(rcap, 'rcap') register(peachify, 'peachify') t2 = Transformer(rules, rule_type='list_of_dicts') # print get_registered_rule_functions() # t2.set_functions(get_registered_rule_functions()) print('in') pp(inp) print('rules') pp(rules) print('result') t2.verbose = 10000 pp(t2) pp(t2.transform(inp))
