Bubble 2016.08.16



Source code for bubble.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of bubble. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.

import os
import sys
import arrow
import click
import pprint

from . import metadata
from . import Bubble
from .util.cfg import get_config
from .util.cli_misc import utf8_only, file_exists
from .util.profiling import start_profile, write_profile

import six
if six.PY2:
    from __builtin__ import ImportError

# do not show if verbosity is above current verbose on Bubble(), todo USE magic
# do not show verbosities above the bar, todo USE magic

# definitions for configuration files relative to bubble directory
DOT_BUBBLE = '.bubble'
CONFIG_YAML = 'config/config.yaml'

# definitions for possible lists op options

# also dataset, but that's another kind of 'storage'
STORAGE_TYPES = ['json','jsonl']

STEPS = ['pulled', 'uniq_pull', 'uniq_push',
         'push', 'pushed', 'store', 'stats']

CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(auto_envvar_prefix='BUBBLE')

[docs]def make_gbc(verbose, verbose_bar): general_bubble_ctx = Bubble(name='Bubble(gbc)', verbose=verbose, verbose_bar=verbose_bar) general_bubble_ctx.say('gbc here', verbosity=99) return general_bubble_ctx
GLOBAL_START_ARROW = arrow.now() ############################################################################### BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS = {} BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['start_arrow'] = GLOBAL_START_ARROW BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['dot_bubble'] = DOT_BUBBLE BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['config_yaml'] = CONFIG_YAML BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['stages'] = STAGES BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['storage_types'] = STORAGE_TYPES BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['steps'] = STEPS ############################################################################### #todo: magic greeting = """Hi there, i'm a inside a Bubble, my name is %s. a.k.a: API in the middle Helps you where two of your "complex" services don't play well with each other. And where you need get some information from A to B, while transforming or filtering the information, simply put: >>>A:pull>>>bubble:transform>>>B:push>>> consider me your "small information" manager in between your big data and ESB(s),ETL(s). Create a bubble, make the information flow and start bubbling .o.O.o. """
[docs]class BubbleCli(Bubble): """the Bubble for the Command Line Interface, this the bubble to be passed around as the 'ctx' for the cli commands""" def __init__(self, home=None, verbose=VERBOSE, verbose_bar=VERBOSE_BAR): Bubble.__init__(self, 'BubbleCli', verbose, verbose_bar) self.GLOBALS = BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS self.debug = False # for general logging purposes self.gbc = make_gbc(verbose=verbose, verbose_bar=verbose_bar) self.GLOBALS['gbc'] = self.gbc self.adaptive_verbose = False self.say_green(greeting % (self.name), verbosity=101) utf8_only(self) if verbose: self.gbc.say('current bubble path:' + os.path.abspath(home), verbosity=2) self.config = {} # runtime config (dynamic via options) self.cfg = {} # static config self.set_verbose(verbose) self.set_verbose_bar(verbose_bar) self.debug = False self.bubble = False if home: self.home = home else: self.home = os.getcwd() self.env = os.environ if file_exists(self, self.home + '/' + DOT_BUBBLE): with open(self.home + '/' + DOT_BUBBLE) as dot_bubble: content = dot_bubble.read() if content.startswith('bubble='): self.bubble = content self.say('.bubble content:', stuff=content, verbosity=100) if not content.startswith('bubble=' + metadata.version): if verbose: self.say_yellow( 'This Bubble version does not match current' + ' bubble cli tool version:' + metadata.version, verbosity=2) self.say_yellow( 'Please see release notes and check' + 'if significant changes content:\n' + content, verbosity=2) self.say_green( 'You can run: bubble upgrade <old-version>', verbosity=2) if not self.bubble: self.say_yellow('There is no Bubble in %s' % home) self.say_green('For a new bubble try: bubble init') return if self.bubble: cfg_file = self.home + '/' + CONFIG_YAML if file_exists(self.gbc, cfg_file): self.cfg = get_config(self.gbc, cfg_file) self.gbc.say('cfg:', stuff=self.cfg, verbosity=10) if not self.cfg: self.say_red('Could not find or read configuration')
[docs] def set_config(self, key, value): self.config[key] = value if self.verbose >= VERBOSE: click.echo(' config[%s] = %s' % (key, value), file=sys.stderr)
[docs] def say(self, msg, verbosity=1, stuff=None): self._msg(msg=msg, verb='cli.say', verbosity=verbosity, stuff=stuff, from_cli=True) if verbosity <= self.get_verbose(): click.echo(msg) if stuff: click.echo(' stuff:') click.echo(pprint.pformat(stuff))
def _say_color(self, msg, verbosity=0, stuff=None, fgc='green'): self._msg(msg=msg, verb='cli._say_color', verbosity=verbosity, stuff=stuff, from_cli=True) if verbosity <= self.get_verbose(): click.secho(msg, fg=fgc) if stuff: click.echo(' stuff:') click.secho(pprint.pformat(stuff), fg=fgc) # shortcuts for stoplight colors
[docs] def say_green(self, msg, verbosity=0, stuff=None): self._say_color(msg, verbosity, stuff, 'green')
[docs] def say_yellow(self, msg, verbosity=0, stuff=None): self._say_color(msg, verbosity, stuff, 'yellow')
[docs] def say_red(self, msg, verbosity=0, stuff=None): self._say_color(msg, verbosity, stuff, 'red')
def __repr__(self): return '<BubbleCli %s@%s since: %s>' % (self.name, self.home, self.birth) def __exit__(self, exit_type=None, value=None, traceback=None): self.say('exit',stuff=BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS,verbosity=111) if BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['profiling']: write_profile()
pass_bubble = click.make_pass_decorator(BubbleCli, ensure=True) bubble_lib_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) commands_path = os.path.join(bubble_lib_dir, 'commands') cmd_folder = os.path.abspath(commands_path)
[docs]class ComplexCLI(click.MultiCommand):
[docs] def list_commands(self, ctx): # ctx.say('list_commands', verbosity=100) rv = [] for filename in os.listdir(cmd_folder): if filename.endswith('.py') and \ filename.startswith('cmd_'): rv.append(filename[4:-3]) # ctx.say('list_commands:'+filename, verbosity=100) rv.sort() return rv
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, name): # ctx.say('get_command:'+name, verbosity=100) try: if sys.version_info[0] == 2: name = name.encode('ascii', 'replace') mod = __import__('bubble.commands.cmd_' + name, None, None, ['cli']) except ImportError: return return mod.cli
@click.command(cls=ComplexCLI, context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.option('--bubble-home', '-h', envvar='BUBBLE_HOME', default='.', metavar='PATH', help='sets bubble home location.') @click.option('--config', '-c', nargs=2, multiple=True, metavar='KEY VALUE', help='overrides a config key/value pair.') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', type=int, default=1, help='sets verbose, bigger is more detail') @click.option('--barverbose', '-b', type=int, default=-1, help='sets a bar, only show messages up to the bar') @click.option('--profile', '-p', envvar='BUBBLE_PROFILE', is_flag=True, default=False, help='run bubble with profiling.') @click.version_option(metadata.version) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, bubble_home, config, verbose, barverbose, profile): """Bubble: command line tool for bubbling information between services .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.\n Making single point to point API connections:\n _________________>>>>>>>>>pump>>>>>>>>>>>>>_____________________\n (source-service)->pull->(transform)->push->(target-service)\n _________________>>>>>>>>>pump>>>>>>>>>>>>>_____________________\n bubble can:\n * pull data from the source client\n * transform the data with flexible mapping and filtering rules\n * rules can use (custom) rule functions\n * push the result to the target client\n A Bubble can process a list of basic python dicts(LOD), which are persisted in files or a database, for each step and stage that produced it. The only requirement for the service clients is that they have a:\n * source sevice: pull method which provides a LOD\n * target sevice: push method which accepts a dict\n A Bubble tries hard not to forget any step that has taken place, the results of any completed step is stored in a file, in the remember directory inside the Bubble. Without rules and bubble will "just" copy.\n Commands marked with (experimental) might work, but have not fully "behave" tested yet. For help on a specific command you can use: bubble <cmd> --help Create a bubble, make the information flow and start bubbling.\n .oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.oOo.\n """ # Create a bubble object and remember it as the context object. # From this point onwards other commands can refer to it by using the # @pass_bubble decorator. cis = ctx.invoked_subcommand initing = False if cis == 'stats': nagios = False try: monitor = ctx.args[ctx.args.index('--monitor') + 1] if monitor == 'nagios': nagios = True except (ValueError, IndexError): pass if nagios: verbose = 0 BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['profiling'] = profile if profile: start_profile() global VERBOSE VERBOSE = verbose global VERBOSE_BAR VERBOSE_BAR = barverbose if bubble_home != '.': bubble_home_abs = os.path.abspath(bubble_home) else: bubble_home_abs = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) if cis == 'init': initing = True if initing: if not os.path.exists(bubble_home_abs): os.makedirs(bubble_home_abs) if os.path.exists(bubble_home_abs): os.chdir(bubble_home_abs) ctx.obj = BubbleCli(home=bubble_home_abs, verbose=verbose, verbose_bar=barverbose) else: click.echo('Bubble home path does not exist: ' + bubble_home_abs) raise click.Abort() BUBBLE_CLI_GLOBALS['full_command'] = ' '.join(sys.argv) for key, value in config: ctx.obj.set_config(key, value) if not ctx.obj.bubble and not initing: ctx.obj.say_yellow('There is no bubble in %s' % bubble_home_abs, verbosity=10) ctx.obj.say('You can start one with: bubble init', verbosity=10)
